Brand Guide

Brand Excecution


The Motorola Solutions website uses an extended digital design system in order to optimize our users' experience.


Digital design system

Think of a digital design system as a series of building blocks that can be assembled together to build any number of applications. This single source of truth contains clear rationale based on solid UX, UI and development standards and enables an environment for reusable components.

An extension of our brand guidelines, DNA or Digital Navigation Assistance is Motorola Solutions' single source of truth for digital designers, developers and content creators for enabling digital experiences.


Domain management

Motorola Solutions has specific requirements and compliance policies for web domains and URLs. This document serves as the official guidelines and will be updated as needed as brand and legal requirements dictate.

All Motorola Solutions web properties are required to use the domain. There are instances where sub-domains and sub-folders can be used. Learn more in the link below.

View domain policy